Dave Matthews Band
The Gorge (N1)
Quincy, WA
Mastered by Jamie (djamieb) LINK TO THE REMASTER:
There are samples of “Black and Blue Bird” and also "Seek Up" - you can hear snippets of both songs from the original broadcast files and my mastered versions in the SAMPLES folder, just so you can hear the difference between the original broadcast and the mastered versions side by side. I’m pleased with how this master turned out!
There's a folder called ARTWORK with the cover art that my good friend Xcacel created!
Remastering Notes:
The Sirius stream was pretty well mixed and fairly balanced, so I had a solid starting point to work from. In the mastering process, I applied a bit of corrective dynamic EQ, resonance suppression, very light glue compression, sweetening EQ, a bit of mild saturation, stereo spread enhancement, and a bit of gentle limiting (just enough to address any big transients that were poking through). Looking forward to hearing what y'all think of the mastered version after you get a chance to check it out!
Big Thanks:
I appreciate 'JasonFox' for capturing the Sirius stream and sharing the files. Much appreciated!
Personal Note: I was at this show and got to spend the entire trip with my great friends Xcacel and our buddy that likes to be affectionately referred to as "The Limo Driver". 😂 We made a bunch of awesome memories while driving to/from Seattle, camping, and watching our favorite band for 3 nights in a row. Terrific weekend!
Link to the show on DMB Almanac:
I hope you enjoy!! 😊
~ Jamie (djamieb)

Dave Matthews Band
August 30, 2024
The Gorge Amphitheatre, George, WA
Two Step
The Best of What's Around
Seek Up
Sugar Will
Funny the Way It Is
Black and Blue Bird
Walk Around the Moon
Pantala Naga Pampa »
Let's Dance
You Might Die Trying
Digging a Ditch
Louisiana Bayou
Tripping Billies
The Last Stop
Ants Marching